Classic Albums Reviewed by Pornhub Comments

Uhh… Yep. That’s the article.

There aren’t many places that are as shockingly insightful as the Pornhub comments section. Whilst often times it serves as nothing more than an amalgamation of horndogs declaring their thirst behind anonymous usernames like ‘TittyMaster69xxx’, sometimes you are greeted by a comment that, when put in a different context, makes perfect sense. I am a firm believer of the idea that, deep down, anyone can be a competent music reviewer. Today, I’m finally putting that idea into practice. I am sorry.


The best songs about hooking up with your old best friend after their sex change

Finally, the listicle you’ve been waiting for!


Songwriting is truly one of the world’s most beautiful natural arts. The true beauty of songwriting is just how much freedom one can take in their work; you could write songs about love, food, your town etc, etc. Sometimes though, you listen to music with such an impassioned and awe-inspiring message embedded into its lyricism that you can’t help but feel every emotion that the songwriter felt themselves when they conceived such a wondrous piece of art. Sometimes you’re reduced to tears, sometimes you’re made to laugh, and sometimes… It’s just… an emotion you didn’t even know you had the capacity to feel.

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